Death god stalking baby girl photo shoot

The mother panicked when she realized the deadly threat at the foot of her smiling little girl photographed in a field in Australia.

Bianca Dickinson of Victoria, Australia, was photographing her two-year-old daughter, Molly, in a field on March 29. She found strange objects moving in the space behind her. But Dickinson thought it was just a piece of bark shimmer in the wind so little interest and continued to adjust the lens, according to The Age.

Bé Molly tươi cười chụp ảnh mà không hề nhận ra mối đe dọa ngay dưới chân.
Molly laughs without taking notice of the threat at her feet. (Photo: Bianca Dickinson).

But when adjusting the camera focus, the mother was shocked to realize that the moving object was a brown eastern snake about three meters long. This deadly venomous snake is just a few dozen inches from Molly. She immediately pulled Molly away from the snake. When he checked the camera, Dickinson found a picture of this scary sight.

In that picture, a giant snake crawls over a pile to the grass, next to Molly's feet. Molly, unaware of death, was lurking behind her, still smiling brightly and clinging to the wire fence just above the snake's head.

Fortunately, the snake did not feel threatened in that moment and did not attack Molly. Dickinson decided to release the photo to warn people of the danger that always lies in the wild.

The eastern snake of the cobra family is the second most poisonous snake in the world and the culprit causing most snakebite deaths in Australia.

source:  VnExpress

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