What is the smartest breed in the world? Call the Border Collie!
Intelligent and loyal dogs are well known. But few know that the Border Collie is the smartest dog in the world.
If you have ever been a dog, you will not be surprised how smart they can be. When well trained, a dog will know how to make the right toilet, keep the house, do a lot of different things, and most importantly, protect the owner.
But what kind of dog is the smartest? In fact, this is a relatively difficult factor to evaluate, since the term "intelligence" is applied only to humans. And dogs are ... each one of a kind. However, experts agree that their intelligence is based on the following factors: the ability to collect and store information; Combine, compare information and use them in a new situation.
Based on this criterion, Stanley Coren, a dog researcher, released a chart of the 100 most intelligent dog breeds in The Intelligence of Dogs. And do you know which species heads? This is the Border Collie - also known as border Collie.
What's so special about the Border Collie - the smartest dog in the world?
The Border Collie is a British shepherd. However, its origin actually lies at the border between England and Scotland, and that is also why they are called Border.
Of course, the word "smartest in the world" for the Border Collie is not a bad name. Derived from the English ear dog to help sheep herding, of course Collie border must have the ability to stand out from other species. In it, Coren points out that this is one of the most vocationally recognized dogs in terms of vocabulary, good problem solving and, especially, the ability to train the next generation. more then awesome.
The capabilities of the Border Collie have been well researched. The Chaser, for example, is considered to be the smartest in the world today - capable of remembering more than 1,000 vocabulary items and distinguishing them at the discretion of the owner.
Chaser - the smartest Border Collie in the world.
However, the Chaser seems to be a special kind of intelligent dog. We will take a different example than normal Rico. The dog also distinguishes more than 200 objects, and can also classify them according to human command.
Rico is capable of distinguishing more than 200 objects.
In particular, the Chaser, Rico, or other Border Collie dogs can remember very quickly - almost instantly. It's not a short-term memory, as months later what they learned was still intact in memory.
In fact, this does not mean that other dogs are not able to memorize vocabulary or do similar things. Top 10 in Coren's list included Poodle, Golden and Labrador retriever, Doberman, Rottweiler, German Sheepdog ... They are all excellent breed dogs.
But the race is the best one, and that title belongs to the Border Collie only.
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